Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Me, not me...

I am the river
lapping at the banks of silent veins
I also carry some fragrant flowers
that surprise me when their petals dance
and leave me strung on mellow strains
I am the rage
of leaping flames and a monster’s ire
that billows & bawls out of my thousand strands
When each cell of me is stung and wounded
and my words roll out like balls of fire.
I am the icy dew
That freezes over and forgets to thaw
When throats lump up and eyes sting,
and my words roam abandoned roads,
my breath begins to punch and gnaw.
I am the breeze
That wears all seasons, hues, and smells,
I surrender to every moon and sun,
each pore of me changes face  
and each grain of me brings new tales to tell.
I am the earth
I love, pray and deliver tree, desert, sea, and mountain
and pluck smiles to sew the torn-up skies
Sometimes I parch, shudder or shrink in fear
But soon I forget and throw my arms to the rain…

I am the tree,
I breed roots and wings together
I find my feet in the heart of the earth
and stick my head out to the skies
and meld into the moods of all weathers.

I am these
or somewhat less
some times….
I am

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

When my words were alive

They would dribble from the skies
like the dew that visits unseen
coiled around a twig of a dream,
they would swing from song to song
of breeze, birds, and streams.

And like rays of a freshly-born sun
they would dart into the arms
of a knowing wait;
and sliding along my bones,
wading through webs & waves of blood
they would cut a road through to me.

Then in some easy swivel of a wand
magic would pour over their pores.
and bathed, burnished and baptized
they'd lash against wilted shores
And soon
the paper would abandon its barren white
and grow stories and songs in its throes..

when they had the will of my God
found their own life
and breath
without me.

Painting courtesy:

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